vineri, 17 ianuarie 2014

Fair trade

I'm wondering which of my molecules makes me write this post. I'm not saying "my molecules" out of exaggerate possessiveness,  it's rather because I'm truly referring to the molecules forming the synapses between those neurones deciding writing this post is worth the time. Yes, it's you 3 I'm talking about.

I can see how a path highlights and then another one. Right now, though, I'm not interested why one or the other highlights, which I already know. I just want to know how I can trade, trade between me and myself. Can you trade a bunch of molecules for others? It's fair trade, pair-wise: instead of remembering x and forgetting y, I want to remember y and forget x. See, it's the same actions, you just change the set of molecules. I see it as a very fair process.

I'm being very reasonable. See, since it's my molecules, they do whatever I tell them to do. But instead of being so authoritarian, I'm offering to trade! You cannot get more reasonable than that, trust me. 

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